Carol Wade and the Art of the Wake

Carol's project, "The Art of the Wake," is a deeply personal and ambitious endeavour to illustrate James Joyce's complex and enigmatic masterpiece, Finnegans Wake. Growing up in Dublin and being raised by Dubliners, she had a unique perspective and connection to the book, recognizing its characters as living on through the older generation of her city. This connection to the language and culture portrayed in Finnegans Wake fuelled her passion to embark on this artistic journey.


One of the primary goals of Carol's illustrations is to capture the historical, social, and cultural references woven throughout the novel. Finnegans Wake is renowned for its intricate web of allusions to history, literature, and various cultures, making it a challenging read for many. By visually representing these references in her artwork, Carol aims to add depth and meaning to the narrative and bring the essence of Dublin's wit, humour, and unique characters to life within the book's pages.


Moreover, her project is driven by a sense of urgency to preserve the culture depicted in Finnegans Wake, which she believes is still alive in the older generation of Dubliners but is gradually fading away. Through her creative and reverent illustrations, Carol hopes to breathe life into these characters and ensure that their essence is preserved for future generations to appreciate and understand.


The Art of the Wake is not just an artistic endeavour but also a cultural preservation project. Carol's illustrations act as a celebration of Dublin's rich cultural heritage and pay tribute to James Joyce's literary genius. By making the complex narrative of Finnegans Wake more accessible through visual representations, she aims to engage contemporary and future audiences and ensure that Joyce's work continues to resonate with readers across generations.


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